JPLAY will continue working if you modify PC. You can activate as many times as you want on the same hardware. Enter your product key that your received via email after purchasing a license here.Click ‘Activate JPLAYfemto online now‘ – also if there is no internet connection!.Open TurboActivate.exe located in C:\JPLAY.The below procedure must be done only for the full, paid version. If not, please send us the error code on for troubleshooting.

If all above are checked please reboot and see if it is activated. If you see LICENSE EXPIRED message make sure that time, date and zone are set properly, internet connection is working and if antivirus/firewall is not blocking JPLAY – best to disable during activation. After the free trial period ends a license must be purchased here. Free trial requires online activation! Internet connection is required during installation.

#Minimserver ios install#
Start the installer, click Next and Install.Please disable AV during installation and reactivate afterwards. Kaspersky) may report a virus: it’s a known ‘false positive’. Download FREE JPLAY trial which includes both JPLAY FEMTO & JPLAY Classic, available here.